Must-see attractions in Lhasa

  • Lubum Kangtsang


    This small and little-visited college is one of several used as a monastic residence and monks welcome visitors.

  • Norbulingka Mani Lhakhang


    This charming yellow-walled mani lhakhang (prayer-wheel chapel) is south of the Norbulingka entrance.

  • Jurche Mitsang


    This small and little-visited college was once home to students from Inner Mongolia and is worth a brief look.

  • Lamba Mitsang


    This small and little-visited college is worth brief exploration if you want to get off the beaten path.

  • Kitchen


    This atmospheric monastery kitchen on the eastern side of the main assembly hall is worth a visit.

  • Perdu Ambam Yamen


    A recent addition to the northeast side of the Barkhor Circuit is the Perdu Ambam Yamen, a politicised museum firmly aimed at local Chinese consumption …

  • Shöl


    Nestled at the southern foot of Marpo Ri (Shöl literally means ‘at the base’), the former village of Shöl was once Lhasa’s red-light district, as well as…

  • Gendun Choephel Memorial Hall


    On the southern side of the Barkhor Circuit, this dull museum focuses on a fascinating character. Choephel (1903–51) was a monk, poet, translator,…

  • Main City Mosque


    This mosque in the Muslim district serves as the spiritual focal point of Lhasa's several thousand Muslims, especially on Fridays. It's closed to non…

  • Gomde Khang


    One of the monastery's recently renovated minor residences, this building can be missed if you are running short of time.

  • Samlo Kangtsang


    One of the monastery's recently renovated minor residences, this building can be missed if you are running short of time.

  • Thangka Wall


    Next to some rock paintings is this support wall, used to hang a giant thangka during festivals.

  • Tsangba Kangtsang


    This college is worth popping into if you want to explore off the beaten track.

  • Tsowa Kangtsang


    This college welcomes visitors, though the chapels are sometimes closed.