Must-see attractions in Belarus

  • Kamaroŭski Rynak


    Market buffs should not miss Minsk's air-hangar-like main market, one of Minsk's collectivist masterpieces. It's a colourful smorgasbord of seasonal (and…

  • Holy Resurrection Church


    This twin-spired beauty is a 2009 reconstruction of an 18th-century baroque church and features gorgeous interior frescoes. It lies at the base of vul…

  • Palats Mastatsva (Art Palace)


    Palats Mastatsva is a good place to see what's happening in Minsk contemporary-art circles, with several halls of rotating exhibitions, plus performance…

  • Watchtower


    It's worth climbing the 201 steps of the watchtower (1839) in Homel Park for views of the city, the park and the Sozh River. Views are best in the winter…

  • Nature Museum


    This museum near the entrance to Belavezhskaya Pushcha National Park gives a great introduction to the myriad plant and animal species living in the park.

  • Island of Courage & Sorrow


    Standing on a small island connected to the Old Town by a walking bridge, this evocative Afghan war memorial is known colloquially as the Island of Tears…

  • Kastrychnitskaya Pl


    The city's main square is referred to universally by its Russian name, Oktyabrskaya Ploshchad (October Sq). Here you'll find the impressive, severe Palats…

  • Bust of Felix Dzerzhinsky


    Between pr Nezalezhnastsi and vul Karla Marksa is a long narrow park with a bust of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the KGB's predecessor (the Cheka)…

  • Tsentralny Skver


    Across the street from Kastrychnitskaya pl, Tsentralny skver (officially known as Alyaksandraŭsky skver) is a leafy park on the site of a 19th-century…

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