Over under landscape with a school of tropical fish in a coral reef and beach with coconut trees and house at the horizon; Shutterstock ID 93994699; Your name (First / Last): Josh Vogel; Project no. or GL code: 56530; Network activity no. or Cost Centre: Online-Design; Product or Project: 65050/7529/Josh Vogel/LP.com Destination Galleries

Shutterstock / Vilainecrevette

Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro

For most travelers, the archipelago is Bocas del Toro. Caribbean clichés aside, there’s no shortage of postcard-pretty beaches, emerald waters and swaying palms, and scads of things to see and do.


Must-see attractions

Plan with a local

Go Beyond

Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro and beyond