Tashi Dor Monastery

There are two separate monastery buildings near the Tashi Dor camp. The further of the two from the main Tashi Dor tourist compound is the main monastery chapel featuring a central Guru Rinpoche statue and the trinity of Öpagme, Chenresig and Pema Jigme (Guru Rinpoche), known collectively as the Cholong Dusom. Protectors include Nyenchen Tanglha on a horse and the blue-faced Nam-tso, the god of the lake, who rides a water serpent. Both gods are rooted deeply in Bön belief.

Closer to the tourist buildings is the Gar Lotsawa Drub-puk, a smaller but more atmospheric chapel built around a cave and featuring a statue of Luwang Gyelpo, the king of the naga (lake-snake spirits). Pilgrims test their sin by lifting the heavy stone of Nyenchen Tanglha, the mountain deity who resides in the nearby peak of the same name. Look for the stone footprint of Gar Lotsawa.

Several other chapels and retreats are honeycombed into the surrounding cliffs.

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